Hear The View

Not everyone is able to see Rio's landscape. But, from now on, everybody will have the chance to enjoy it.

Audio description and accessibility features on mobile phones have played a major role in integrating and including people who are visually impaired. Why not expand this concept to an entire Light Rail Transit system? Through voice-over, sound design and music, we created an immersive audio experience describing Rio de Janeiro’s landscape as it passes by the LRT train windows. Historic buildings, natural beauties, famous squares and iconic landmarks were described in rich detail, mixing the physical aspect with information about the history. Each audio track corresponds to a specific stretch of the LRT route and they were all released on major streaming platforms. From now on, visually impaired Brazilians  living in Rio will have one more accessibility tool that will allow them to experience Rio de Janeiro’s famous landscape through audio.

Listen the tracks here

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The works were made with love by Gera. Call him for a beer.